Embracing Revival
And Jesus’ resurrection started it!
At his death at the moment the temple’s veil was violently split apart, many nearby graves were opened and “many of the holy ones who had died were brought back to life and came out of their graves.” (Matthew 27:53,54) And after Jesus’ resurrection, they entered Jerusalem to validate the power of the risen Jesus.
Fifty days later on the Day of Pentecost, God’s Holy Spirit began the first world-wide revival.
And it’s happening again. We are aware that Asbury College’s revival is quickly spreading across the United States and overseas. but it is an event that doesn’t belong to any one group.
Admit that man does not initiate revival except in asking for it. (II Chronicles 7:14) We don’t conceive it, strategize it, fund it, grow it or control it. God Himself initiates it… in the fullness of His time, in the manner of His choosing, in its breadth and length and in perfect union with His great heart.
We simply desire it, plead for it, then wait for it and respond to it.
Although our pre-learned theology might not see it arriving as it does, our faith can help us reach out (even with our questions) and accept it by faith.
There are always issues with God’s visiting us in supernatural ways. Some do not like any deviation from what they are used to. Some suspect emotionalism is involved, (although if Jesus walked into a crowded room, all would either fall on their faces or jump to their feet and emotions would overwhelm everyone!)
And just how does revival jive with end-time Biblical prophecy. We are aware of various last day events transpiring before the Lord’s return and we see the prophecy in Joel 2:28-32 where God promises a mighty pouring out of his Spirit on all people. How do they connect in time?
There are many today more than willing to go deeper in Jesus, yet some have too many questions they’d like answered before jumping into the stirring.
A Pharisee named Gamaliel (Acts 5) spoke a good word to the concerned and prideful religious leaders during this great upheaval. He said, “For if this plan or undertaking originates with men, it will fade away and come to nothing. But if this movement is of God, you won’t be able to stop it. And you might discover that you were fighting God all along.” Acts 5:38,39 TPT
The cemetery has been invaded with new life! Welcome it.
Let’s give God the chance to advance His own agenda. We’ve done much with minimum success. Let’s allow His presence to capture the hearts of today’s hungering and thirsting people… and leave the cemetery for others.
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