“Those who are wise will take all this to heart;
they will see in our history
the faithful love of the Lord.”
Psalm 107:43 NLT
I was reading an article from Forbe’s magazine about legacies we wish to leave our children or grandchildren. Much of what we dream of bequeathing them might not now or ever be on their ‘I’d love to have that’ list.
It reminded me of a cartoon I saw in which a father and his millennial-aged son stood before an open storage shed, filled with a pathetic roomful of junk that no one would even pick through. With his arm around his son, he said, “Someday son, this will all be yours.” I can almost picture his son’s face at this dramatic announcement!
The truth of the matter is this: we all will pass down a legacy to the generation behind us. Some of that transfer will be character traits, hobbies, skills and talents. However, the most important things to make sure the next generation receives are spiritual in nature and include disciplines, moral standards, a Biblical world view and even a sweet spirit.
How much eternal value do your ‘pass down’ gifts contain? Do you often think about it? You should, particularly with your family. But others will somehow catch the scent of your life… even from afar.
Your most critical gift is a spiritual legacy – your faith in Christ and your life lived with your Savior.
Let me give you four quick tips to ‘transference principals:
First – It starts with you
The most important part of passing your faith along is living an authentic life. Practice what you preach, in your home and on the sidewalk. Dare to live a ‘sold out life.’ People know what’s real and what isn’t.
Second – Make God’s Word central in your life.
Always be referring to God’s views and proudly claim them as your life goals. We must make witnessing personal… it’s our job, not our church’s. Reinstall family devotions, retell Bible stories, memorize some key verses that testify of God’s goodness in your life.
Third -Tell Your Family’s Stories
If you have even one week of relationship with Jesus, you have some stories to tell. Your family memories are pregnant with truths and experiences that will open the hearts of skeptics, especially if they are hurting. Share them, giving glory to Jesus.
Fourth – Stand Firm in Shaky Times
People have a right to know if what’s on your shelf is fresh. Singing ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus’ is great, as long as observers see you doing that in the midst of pain.
Don’t minimize the value of your legacy.
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