We need an accurate picture of where we are and what God is wanting us to do right now!
Listening to God is critical. Not listening to Him can be catastrophic.
Allow me to pose a couple of questions to you
Does God know what is going on in your world? In our world?
Do you think He is confused as to what He is seeing?
Do you believe He has an answer to the things going wrong?
Might He just have something for us to say or do to bring His remedy to the chaos?
What do we have to do to find this vital information? I propose we all need to take our fingers out of our ears and open our eyes.
With our ears we need to hear God’s voice and that’s not a preposterous concept. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3
God is attempting to talk to you today. Take your fingers out of your ears!
Not listening to God is sheer stupidity and an obvious sign of arrogance and dangerous independence from our Heavenly Father. Listen to God’s comments to Israel in Jeremiah 25:7: “Yet you have not listened to Me,” says the Lord, “so that you have provoked Me to anger with the work (idols) of your hands to your own harm.” AMP
Instead of drowning in the worthless drivel coming from pundits, ‘experts’ in pontificating and those who take lies and nonsense and turn them into worrisome burdens for us to carry… why not let the Creator give it to you straight?
Secondly, with our eyes we need to see what’s going on around us from heaven’s perspective. We need to open our Bibles and our hearts and find our assignments! God’s basic communication with us has always been his Word. Nothing going on around us changes one iota of God’s judgements and plans. His comments are eternally settled. They’ll never change.
God’s Word tells us what to expect in the days ahead. He promises His care over us when dark days attempt to overwhelm us. In his Word are the words that can keep us from moving off center and moving into dangerous areas.
And His Word gives the assurance of a guaranteed “WIN!”
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