Let God Deal With The Turbulence


God isn’t worried about the storms around us, so we shouldn’t fear them either. His care is more than sufficient.


There are times in flight when the bumps start adding up… the turbulence is sustained, and you begin to wonder! But after almost two million miles strapped into a seat on an aluminum tube hurtling at terrifically fast speeds while 35,000 feet above the ground, I’ve developed a philosophy.

Regardless of the turbulence or nearby thunderstorms and in spite of the tightly gripped armrests of my seat mates … if the pilot and crew are not worried, neither am I. If the flight attendants are still smiling and serving us from the beverage cart and not strapped into their seats praying the rosary, I’ll base my fear level on what they know and not on what I feel.

The disciples were in a full-blown panic and apparently in imminent jeopardy, Jesus awoke from sleeping in the midst of their terror and surprised them further. He rebuked the storm! “Knock it off” he said. “And the wind fell, and there was a great calm! Mark 4:39 TLB Then Jesus, ever the teacher, instructed: “Why were you so fearful? Don’t you even yet have confidence in me?” verse 40

They were immediately filled with awe and learned a tremendously needed lesson from their amazing Friend; even the wind and waves were subject to Him.

What about us? We’re sailing a treacherous sea with powerful waves threatening our faith, our confidence, our nation and our future. We’ve lost sight of the shoreline. Our equilibrium has been affected. We wonder how a Savior could sleep through such events!

We are presently living in a ‘perfect storm’. We’ve been in storms before but this one feels like it’s going to finish us all off!

But wait.

Isaiah 59:19 says “When the one who hates us comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a wall against him.” NLV  

Note the response of the Captain of our faith to the threats of the godless posturing?  What fools the nations are to rage against the Lord! How strange that men should try to outwit God! For a summit conference of the nations has been called to plot against the Lord and his Messiah, Christ the King. ‘Come, let us break his chains,’ they say, ‘and free ourselves from all this slavery to God.’ But God in heaven merely laughs! He is amused by all their puny plans. And then in fierce fury he rebukes them and fills them with fear.” Psalm 2:1-5: TLB

 God is presently mocking the mockers. Allow Him to do so. The destruction they saw for us will become theirs instead. Remember … that which overwhelms us underwhelms God! If the Pilot is confident in the cockpit, then so am I.

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated.” Deuteronomy 31:6 MSG


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