Can I Sense The Presence Of God?

Have you ever sensed God’s presence? It could and should be a monumental encounter.


“… in your presence there is fullness of joy:”

 Psalm 16:11 ESV

Imagine you’re halfway through your shift at Cosmos Burgers. There hasn’t been much to distinguish this workday from any others this week. But a burble starts to permeate the melancholy of this day when word has it the Presidential motorcade is pulling into the parking lot.

Might we be hosting the President of the United States? Could he be coming through those doors and walking up to my counter? Within minutes secret servicemen enter the building and do a complete and careful overview of the room and its current occupants.

And then the President steps through the door, and with a smile walks toward you.

This has happened to hundreds of citizens over multiple decades. What’s going through our young worker’s mind? She’s memorized, honored and almost beside herself! What a story to remember for the rest of her life. It can be life changing to be in the presence of notoriety.

For years I’ve wondered how many Christians have ever felt the presence of God? I don’t mean enjoyed a good worship time, been faithful reading God’s Word or having some kind of spiritual ‘high’.

I’m talking about God walking in the front door of your life. The God of the Bible. The Ruler of the Universe. The One who knows the names of every star. The God of Angel Armies who controls the affairs of the entire world. The One who walks on water and controls wind and waves.

If this God suddenly came in and sat next to you in church, wouldn’t it be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Wouldn’t He take your breath away. He’d strip every doubt you have about Him and fling it so far away that you’d never remember it… ever!

How can we live in such a God-proof environment that even He can’t shake our world up? But He’ll show up in indescribable ways very easily if we invite Him to. He can show up through a verse of a song being sung, a Scripture illuminated by Holy Spirit or that serious personal invitation from you.  All you must do is quietly await His arrival..

Our greatest ministry is the Presence we bring to others

from having been with Jesus!

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