A Christmas Dilemma
‘Pre-believers’ (people who have yet haven’t invited Jesus into their hearts) have a bit of dilemma during the Christmas holidays. The reason? There are two major male men who appear to vie for our attention.
Yep! Jesus and Santa Clause.
Do I dislike Santa Clause? No I do not. He’s not any competition for my allegiance to Jesus whatsoever. I’ve never believed in him, even as a very young boy. Yet he does occupy a significant place in peoples’ comfortable Christmas memories.
I’ll agree with many that a cheerful, heavyset man with a beard and loves children and wants to give them gifts is pretty hard to hate. So, I don’t hate him. He just doesn’t belong in the same celebration of God’s massive and amazing gift of eternal life for anyone who wants it. But here’s a possible solution; maybe Santa could actually fit into sharing a holiday with World Kindness Day that’s celebrated on November 13th. Just an idea. (And I’m just kidding… the idea would never make it through Congress let alone the Senate!)
But hang on to the major reason why we must hold firmly to the fact that Jesus’ gift surpasses Santa’s gift-giving ability.
Santa comes to give us what we think we want.
Jesus came to give us what we need!
And we desperately need a Savior!!!
Every person alive should find a way to get to sit on His lap and tell Him how irredeemable they feel – how beyond repair their life appears – how intimidated by life they have become, and how long it’s been since they’ve had any hope.
They have no idea of what pouring out their hearts to the ‘Lover of their soul’ could do for them.
But we do! And it’s our task and incredible privilege to let them know.
”She will give birth to a son and you are to name him ‘Savior,’
for he is destined to give his life to save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21 TPT
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