“Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord.” Psalm 107:43 NLT I was reading an article from Forbe’s magazine about legacies we wish to leave our children or grandchildren. Much of what we dream of bequeathing them might not now or […]
Tag Archives: legacy
Launching Pad Part 2 “Passing Faith Along”
“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:3 ESV A ‘launching pad’ is the initial and ongoing input into a life that help shape and steer that life until its completion. We receive continuous input from the people around us, the kinds of news we watch, the […]
Transferring Your Faith
King David was about to be ‘gathered to his fathers’ … in other words, was at the end of his life. As he prepares to pass the mantle to his son Solomon, he gives his parting words: “I’m about to go the way of all the earth, but you—be strong; show what you’re made […]
Gideon Had A Special Home
Gideon’s Home Was Different Raising World Changers! A “Family By The Book” blog There is an interesting, almost hidden message in Judges chapter 6 as God called Gideon to lead the fight against the Midianites. There is a bit of true humility in this young man as his life is interrupted by the Angel […]
Careful … Your Wake Is Spreading!
It began for us in 1957 when a twelve year old girl and fourteen year old boy looked at each other for the first time and thought, “Hmmm!” Six years later the two became one. The “Hmmm” became “Ahhh!” But soon the two who had become one became in reality four when two sons […]
Leaving An Inheritance
Family By The Book A parenting blog It’s funny what being seventy years old does to a person. You pay special attention to things that previously never crossed your mind. And you forget about lots of stuff that used to be very important to you. I’ve come to the conclusion that God planned for […]