Tag Archives: children

God wants us to be childlike ... to believe beyond our imaginations!

Children Again

  “And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children,  you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 NIV   Jesus is not talking to children here … they’re already child-like. It’s we adults, who are apparently missing out on the unique characteristics of being children. And truth […]

Is It Time To Pray Now?

A Blog for Parents   Two vital questions for parents: Do you pray daily for your children? What do you pray when you pray? Parenting carries multiple responsibilities. We are to love, care for, provide for, guide, encourage, set boundaries, teach personal responsibility and pass on our faith. Not an easy agenda in the best […]

Our Ceiling, Their Floor

A Blog For Parents David said, “My son Solomon is still young and inexperienced. And since the Temple to be built for the Lord must be a magnificent structure, famous and glorious throughout the world, I will begin making preparations for it now.” S0  David collected vast amounts of building materials before his death.   I Chronicles 22:5 […]

Passing the faith along

Passing Your Faith Along … Successfully!

So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. Psalm 78:7 The transferring of faith from one generation to the next is not automatic.   Children don’t receive a relationship with their parent’s God through osmosis while they sleep. There isn’t a ‘faith fairy’ who […]

Preposterous needs require preposterous prayer

Preposterous Prayer! A Prayer Blog From Fresh Heart Ministries

I believe in prayer, but have lessons to learn about praying. I am a board member of Kidzana Ministries, whose simplified mission statement is to “equip local people to reach local kids all around the world.” Toward that end, they, along with many other mission organizations have launched an endeavor to raise up, train and […]