Getting Along Without Prayer

We need to pray
We need to pray!

–       When Abraham needed a son to complete God’s promise and purpose for his life, he had to pray.

–       When he desired for his family living in Sodom to escape God’s justice, he had to pray.

–       When Moses needed  to stop the poisonous snakes decimating the people of Israel, he had to pray.

–       When he needed water to satisfy the multitude of thirsty and grumbling Israelites, he had to pray.

–       When Hannah wanted a son, she had to pray.

–       When Solomon needed wisdom to govern God’s people, he had to pray.

–       When Ezra needed to spark revival fires in God’s people, he had to pray.

–       When Elijah needed a widow’s son brought back from the dead, he had to pray.

–       When the broken walls of Jerusalem broke Nehemiah’s heart and he wanted to repair them, he had to pray.

–       When King Hezekiah needed deliverance from the Assyrians, he had to pray.

–       When Joshua needed the sun to stand still to complete a military victory, he had to pray.

–       When Gideon had to know for certain that God was calling him to an impossible task, he had to pray.

–       When Samson had to avenge his moral and spiritual failure and cripple the Philistines, he had to pray.

–       When Daniel needed to give King Nebuchadnezzar the interpretation of his dream, he had to pray.

–       When the three Hebrews needed a ‘dew-ladened breeze’ while walking in the fiery furnace, they had to pray.

–       When Job needed his life put back together, he had to pray.

–       When David was heartbroken over friends who had turned against him, he had to pray.

–       When Jonah had enough fish for a lifetime and needed a second chance, he had to pray.

–       When Queen Esther stood  between her people’s destruction and the  edict of the king, she had to pray.

–       When Jesus needed to endure the agony of Calvary, He had to pray.

–       When the early church had to get through perilous times of persecution, she had to pray.

–       When Peter raised Tabitha from the dead, he had to pray.

–       When Paul and Silas needed to be somewhere beside the inside of a dungeon, they had to pray.


So tell me again … why we feel we can get along without praying.


May you find journey (and meaningful times of prayer) on your journey!



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