Pleasing God


God wants control of more than an hour or two of your week. You were made to reveal Him in every part of your life.

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you:

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating,

going-to-work, and walking-around life—

and place it before God as an offering.

Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.”

Romans 12:1 MSG

 For every one of us who has assumed that God considers our Sunday church attendance as the primary gift He is looking for… let’s rethink that!

Eugene Peterson’s take on this… “your everyday, ordinary life” is translated as “present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice” from the Amplified Bible.

This concept messes with our normal attempt to segregate ‘sacred’ from ‘secular.’ But to a child of God there should be no distinction. Both are to be lost in each other. Everything we do should have spiritual repercussions in the world around us.

Giving God sacred moments just on certain days and in certain holy environments robs us of the impact our total lives are to have in the culture we live in. When we act holy on Sundays and any other way the rest of the week, that is destructive to our testimony.

We are to give our sleeping, eating, going-to-work and walking-around lives into God’s hands and to be used for his purposes. When we pull anything out of our lives and keep it from God’s control for any reason… we have short-circuited God’s ability to use all of us for his glory.

Giving the best we can give in anything we do… doing all things, whether great spiritual feats or ordinary mundane responsibilities for God’s glory are the best gifts we can ever give to God.

Never settle for giving God a two-hour time slot on Sunday and feeling spiritually fulfilled by that offering. He wants more than more from you… He’d like all of you. He would like to find joy in the way you wash your car, take care of your yard, honor your spouse, pay your bills, keep greed out of your life.

You are a complete package to Him. He takes joy in everything you do and say… if you are doing it for his glory. Let Him draw pleasure from the normal life you live. Offer up the tasks you undertake, letting Him know that you’re doing them for Him.

God’s not looking for a list of religious activities that you fit into last week. He’d like your whole week.

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