Our Ceiling, Their Floor

A Blog For Parents

David said, “My son Solomon is still young and inexperienced. And since the Temple to be built for the Lord must be a magnificent structure, famous and glorious throughout the world, I will begin making preparations for it now.” S0  David collected vast amounts of building materials before his death.   I Chronicles 22:5 New Living Translation


Your kids will do things you can’t do … if you leave them the right tools!


When David was told that he couldn’t build the Lord’s temple, he was obviously disappointed. This ‘man after God’s own heart’ would have loved to have had his signature on this holy project. But God said that as a warrior he had shed too much blood and that the task would be given to his son.


As David looks ahead to the challenges of the immense opportunity being presented to his son, he suppresses disappointment and jealousy and realizes that he still has a critical role to play, even if it is in a support position.


He immediately begins gathering the materials that his son will need. He uses his present resources to secure his son’s future success.


That’s the heart of a true parent. Our kids have so many opportunities to go far beyond our limits. Theirs is a world of potential. Lids that some of us had placed on us, for whatever reason, have been lifted. They can go places we only dream about. They can take God’s Kingdom far beyond our furthest reach.


So … what tools can we place in their lives? What materials can we lay in store for their use in their future? Here are several to consider as you prepare children who will make a difference in their world.


  1. An unshakable faith in God. You cannot build a spiritual life, let alone a spiritual legacy without this critical ingredient. Your family needs to see a faith that’s firmly anchored. Share instances of God’s provision, protection and leading. Let them see that it’s always safe to trust God with their lives. Faith needs to be a talked-about-often subject in your home.
  2. A strong work ethic. There is work in any journey, especially the spiritual journey. At the conclusion of his ministry Jesus said to his Father “I have finished the work that you gave me to do.” In a culture that wants to work less for more in return, a child instilled with a strong work ethic will have a distinct advantage.
  3. A keen sense of priorities. In this ‘upside/down’ culture, it’s vital that we teach our children to keep the main things the main things. Faith, family, commitment, integrity always have been anchor points for success, but they don’t get passed on by osmosis. They must be taught. Teaching them must be our priority.
  4. A Godly perspective on finances. Kids who grow up in a home where there is little debt, where the family lives within its means, are better prepared to live a life of freedom. They can give their energies to accomplishing their dreams without a cloud hanging over their heads. Show your children that contentment is more important than satisfying any desire while ignoring the consequences of ‘impulse living.’
  5. A sense of humor. Be sure your kids know how to laugh and are given reason to laugh often. This is vital to maintaining balance in life. Life is serious, but there are always reasons for joy and laughter.

Obviously not a complete set of tools for their life’s toolbox, but five gifts that will enable your children to rise above the average. They will help them gain a foothold among the competition and assure them of a measure of success.


After all, wouldn’t you love your ceiling to become their floor? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they took faith to a new level and achieved what you couldn’t reach in your life? As a parent, you have both the responsibility and privilege of providing your children with the correct tools for their future.


May God bless our families!

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