Archive by Author


Why Tomorrow Matters

Fresh Heart For a New Week “Look, I’m dying of starvation!” said Esau. “What good is my birthright to me now?” Genesis 25:32 New Living Translation  ‘Now’ is often part of a fool’s philosophy … trading a future treasure for immediate fulfillment. It’s saying “No” to tomorrow by saying “Yes” to now. It’s thinking about […]

Preposterous needs require preposterous prayer

Preposterous Prayer! A Prayer Blog From Fresh Heart Ministries

I believe in prayer, but have lessons to learn about praying. I am a board member of Kidzana Ministries, whose simplified mission statement is to “equip local people to reach local kids all around the world.” Toward that end, they, along with many other mission organizations have launched an endeavor to raise up, train and […]

May I Help You?

I made up an amusing word the other day. At least, I believe I am the first to have coined it. Its meaning is: Looking forward to something that doesn’t turn out as you expected. The word? ANTICIPOINTMENT. I know of few pastors who at some level cannot identify with that word. Ministry usually comes […]

Whittling or Carving? by Paul Walterman

Whittling or Carving?

I recently heard a speaker recount an experience he had as a young boy growing up in the hills of Tennessee. He was at an old general store watching some locals sitting on the porch turning pieces of wood into piles of shavings on the floor. “You’ve been doing that all day,” he said to […]